Wool tights are possibly one of the greatest fashion inventions of mankind. They are fun, funky and keep you warm. They can also be classy and elegant and depending on the quality of the tights, they can hide a multitude of physical imperfections. And many a woman will attest to this very important wool tights quality. They come in various colors, patterns and thicknesses.

They go with different outfits from preppy princess to rocker chick. They are versatile and easy to pair with almost anything. And how decadent and luxurious does it feel to slip on cashmere tights? It is absolutely heavenly. That’s the only word that can do it justice.

From Paris to Metro Manila

Wool Tights
Wool Tights

They keep you cozy as you cruise your way down the chicest streets of Japan, Paris and New York.

The fashion capitals of the world have long been aware of this fashion statement that has never really died out through the years. There have always been followers advocating the use of wool tights especially during the winter months. But with the emergence of new fashion icons through the hit show Gossip Girl, we see the younger generation scrambling to find their own pair of opaque or patterned wool tights.

From the fashionable streets of Manhattan to the hot tropical climes of Metro Manila, we see young women proudly parading around in their latest fashion discovery. The heat does not stop them from rocking their way through the malls and clubs wool tights and plaid skirts on proud display. Somehow the wearing of wool tights has become more desirable than baring their legs to the approving eyes of the male population.

Throughout the history of fashion we have seen countless innovations that have died quiet deaths, some more dignified than others. But wool tights, thank God, are here to stay.